About Us

Eviction Service

The Eviction Stoppers

We are Eviction Counselors. If you need an attorney, ask us for a Lawyer Referral.

Apartments, Homes, or Businesses

Have you been given or served with a 3-day, 5-day, 10-day, or 14-day notice to pay rent or quit?

Have you been given or served with a 3-day notice to quit, 30-day, 60-day or 90-day notice to vacate?

If you have been served with 5-day summons complaint unlawful detainer either by person, mail, or posted on your door, or just left under your door, or by your door.

Attention Florida, Georgia, Maryland, Michigan, New York, Nevada Las Vegas and any other State with a 24 Hour notice to vacate! Call Immediately, ASAP.

Need Help Avoiding an Eviction?

(888) 877-2391 or (510) 459-3779

We Are #1 In the World, Period! With Over 25,000 Evictions Stopped.