Are you being evicted? Need help?
Call The Eviction Stoppers
CALL NOW, (888) 877-2391 OR (510) 459-3779
We can help you get 8-12 weeks to move or a second chance to help you keep your apartment, house, business. Open 7 days/week, 24/hrs, including holidays. Serving all states. List of Documents that we Specialize in:- Answer to unlawful detainer, Demur, Prejudgement Claim Of Right To Possession, Claim Of Right To possession, Stay Of Execution; and Motions TO Vacate and set aside Default and Quash Writ.
- California has the best laws when it comes to stopping evictions. All California tenants and residents call now!
- All Government shut down employees call us for help!
- All people receiving unemployment checks and they have been stop or ran out of funds call us.
- All Veterans call us for help.
- All new government health care law programs -“Obama Care”. People call us if you need help with your rent or eviction.